There was a last-minute entry in Sunday’s Maryland Half Marathon to benefit the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center — a 3-year-old goldendoodle named Dozer, who escaped through an invisible fence in his yard to join the more than 2,000 people running by his house, which was near mile 5 of the race.

Runners reported seeing the dog at several points along the way, and he crossed the finish line with other runners at 2 hours and 14 minutes. Dozer’s owner didn’t know what had happened to him and was frantically looking for him until he returned home Monday morning. He had muddy feet and was limping.

After a quick trip to the vet, Dozer is fine, his owner reports, but he won’t be running any half-marathons any time soon. This week, the race co-chairmen, Michael Greenebaum and Jon Sevel, gave Dozer a medal — and some dog treats.

Dozer even has his own runner’s page, where people can donate to raise money for cancer research at the Greenebaum Cancer Center.

Related Links:

Dozer’s Fundraising Page

Dozer’s Facebook Page

University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center

Maryland Half Marathon